About the oblique imagery
The photographs were taken on May 3 and June 4th though June 6th 2015 with resolution of 8cm per pixel
Coverage of the mosaic is shown on image below.

2015 oblique imagery terms of use.
Users have a right to:
- view the data through our mapping application http://ukosne.gis.um.wroc.pl witout any use restrictions (personal, educational and commercial use)
- copy and distribute the data for personal use
- print and distribute in printed form fragments of data without restrictions
distribute in digital form for personal, educational and commercial use under following restrictions:
- without georeferencing data
- in resolution not bigger that 1920x1080 pixels
- data is not to be presented in a form of interactive maps
- modify, transform and distribute the derivative works without restrictions
An following atrribution note is welcome in case of distributing the imagery: „Source: Wroclaw Spatial Information System - www.geoportal.wroclaw.pl”.
License proprietor of 2015 oblique imagery is the Municipality of Wrocław.