- Streets with their respective numbers
- Address points, building footprints and their simplified functions
- Transportation (tram, bus and train network, stations and stops, marinas)
- Current orthoimagery
- District boundaries
- Public amenities: minicipal buildings, kindergartens, schools, school districts, medical amenities, cultural buildings, churches, cementaries, hotels etc
- Parks, forests, hills, ponds, lakes, beaches, rivers, bridges, dams etc
- Playgrounds, football fields, pitches, and other recreational areas (based on OpenStreetMap data)
- Surrounding counties - based on OpenStreetMap data and updated periodically
Public amenities (Points Of Interest)
In addition to standard search functionalities of our maps, Basemap provides you with tool to search our database of public amenities visible on the map. To search for POIs click "Search for POI" button in the bottom left corner.
The following dialog should appear.

You can narrow the search by choosing one of the categories from dropdown menu.
Type a phrase to search for and click Search.
To learn more about the search result click to zoom in on its location and and view its attributes.